Up on a hillside looking down on Hebden Water as it swirls through the trees on its way down into Hebden Bridge. I was actually trying to record a huge Beech tree felled by wind and lying right across the river but ran out of room on my square format sketchbook page.

Using the same bit of old stem as last time to draw with, I liked its chunky feel, but shan't be able to use it again as it just imploded in my grip. Still, plenty more stems around...  I am enjoying the freedom of drawing as opposed to woodcutting, and the crude pen prevents me from being too tidy with the mark making. Intended to complete the right hand space but my hands suddenly became unbearably cold.

It is impossible to draw with a reed pen and not think about Van Gogh's wonderful reed pen landscape drawings, they are by far my favourite works by him, with such a variety of lines, dots and squiggles.

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